Christmas music
Found in 10 Collections and/or Records:
Heden zult gij zijn glorie aanschouwen = This is the day You revealed Your glory, 1967 - 1985
Christmas Night Gathering Song for SATB or 3- Voice Choir, Assembly, and Harmonic Rounds for Organ, Percussion and Guitar
Heden zult gij zjn glorie aanschouwen, Audio recording
Werkgroep voor volkstaalliurgie Workgroup for Vernacular Liturgy Fons en Igkoor Accompanist Piet Mirek Director Bernard Huijbers Gooi en Sticht, Hilversum LP Didascalia XV (digitized by Jabulani)
How Faithful, Translation and annotation
Christmas antiphonal song from the John Prologue. Introductory text and score for SATB choir and accompaniment, and vocals, all with text translated into English by Tony Barr.
In diepste nacht = In Deepest Night, 1967 - 1995
Opening Song for Christmas Night for SATB Choir & Assembly with Organ Accompaniment
Kerstevangelie en Ere zijt God = Christmas Gospel and Canon, 1967 - 2021
Luke 2:1-14 for Precentor with Assembly Canonic Proclamation with Organ and Guitar
The Song of the Lord's Appearance In Deepest Night, 1981
Opening Song for Christmas Night, from Geneva Psalter 1543/1551. Introductory text and score for uniform voice and accompaniment, SATB choir and accompaniment, and vocals, all with text translated into English by Tony Barr.
This is the day, Audio recording
Koinonia House Choir (Portland State campus ministry) Accompanist Patrick Loomis Director: Tom Conry Team Publications OCP
This is the day: Christmas song, Audio recording
Colchester Institute School of Music Director Bill Tamblyn Chiswick Music CISM CS001
This is the day You revealed Your glory: Christmas night gathering song, Translation and annotation
Score for for SATB or 3- Voice Choir, Assembly, and Harmonic Rounds for Organ, Percussion and Guitar, and vocal score only, translated into English with annotations by Tony Barr.
Verschenen is de mildheid = How Faithful, 1967 - 2000
Christmas Antiphonal Song from the John Prologue for SATB Choir & Assembly.