Saupe, Stephen G., 0 - 0
Scope and Contents
Saupe,Stephen G.
-CSB/SJU Biology Professor
-Star Tribune, December 16, 1991: 'No wonder Rudolph's nose gets red! Santa, says a professor, is supersonic'.
-Pioneer Press, December 16, 1991: 'Santa swifter than a blink of an eye'.
-St. Cloud Times. December 9, 2012: 'Add adventure to holiday tree'
-St. Cloud Times. January 13, 2013: 'Mastodons once helped to spread the honey locust'.
-St. Cloud Times. February 10, 2013: 'The origin of angiosperms still a mystery.'
-St. Cloud Times. March 10, 2013: 'Good try, but what's a c-a-t-k-i-n anyway?'.
-St. Cloud Times. April 14, 2013: 'Plants track spring's arrival'.
-St. Cloud Times. June 8, 2013: 'Plants long ago crossed a 'red line' in nature'
-St. Cloud Times. August 10, 2013: ' Doggie, meet duckweed'
-St. Cloud Times, September 8, 2013: 'Unique plants found below ground: hogpeanut can sprout above too'
-St. Cloud Times, October 13, 2013: 'Blame bird's eating habits for bad day: Dining on buckthorn can change the color of waste'
-St. Cloud Times, November 8, 2013: "Plant's sticky seeds are not so innocent".
-St. Cloud Times, December 6, 2013: "Charlie Brown Christmas tree: A 1-time guest".
-St. Cloud Times, January 10, 2014: "Jack-in-the-pulpit (or Jill) cannot decide which sex to be".
-St. Cloud Times, February 7, 2014: "Hearts abound on plant leaves: Lilac, basswood are examples".
-St. Cloud Times, March 7, 2014: "Plants, the NSA share similar strategies".
-St. Cloud Times, April 10, 2014: "Dry yeast seems to magically spring to life".
-St. Cloud Times, June 8, 2014: "Is that a veggie in your fruit salad?".
-St. Cloud Times, September 6, 2015: "Here's why 'leaflets 3' can be troublesome".
-St. Cloud Times, November 8, 2015: "The science behind leaf survival".
-St. Cloud Times, January 9, 2016: "Botanical names, like mascots, need some revision".
-St. Cloud Times, February 12, 2016: "Razzies remind us of a prevalent Minnesota fruit."
-St. Cloud Times, March 11, 2016: "Some advice for spring break: Don't mix lime and sun".
-St. Cloud Times, April 9, 2016: "Penalty for eating raw mushrooms? It's like 100 lashes".
-St. Cloud Times, June 11, 2016: "There's not much to celebrate in Minnesota on Flag Day."
-St. Cloud Times, July 11, 2016: "Don't let robust Rudbeckia fool you"
-St. Cloud Times, August 8, 2016: "Ubiquitous mullein came to the US for a reason"
-Morning AG Clips, March 28, 2021: "The virtues of Minnesota grown maple syrup"
-"Steve-fest" sticker from Steve Saupe's retirement party.
- 0 - 0
- Ruff, Anthony (Person)
From the Collection: 1 Collection
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
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File Cabinet 1
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File, Document
- Ruff, Anthony (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Saint John's University Archives and Special Collections Repository